TLW Behind the Scenes - February 2010!Recovering time is making its way through!Member of the MonthCommando TlwCommando Tlw! Great job Chris! I know both of our Council deserve a thanking but you've been very active while I was absent. Congrats!
PromotionsCommando Tlw - Promoted to Elite Wolves
Interview of the Month There is not a Interview of the Month due to my absence.Clan Changes
There are many changes, so I will explain them one-by-one.
1. Crown Code - The crown code is currently unavailable at the time. I believe my source code is out of date. I will try fixing it ASAP.
2. I'm back - An important thing you should note is that my internet has been fixed. Although, I'm a bit laggy I'm still here and ready to continue clan growth!
3. Thank you, wonderful Staff - X x Boon xX, on our Leadership team and Torn Ares and Manic Musson all deserve a thanking. They have all worked their hardest in keeping the clan safe, orderly, and alive while I was absent. Thank you guys!
4. Tribes - The Tribes RPG have been removed. I did not see a point in it anymore. Its objective was to raise the skilling and warring skills of the clan. It may return if the leaders see more posting and activity in RuneScape (Higher than usual rates).
Mission Projects
I have spoken little of Project Alpha (PA). I have news that there will also be 4 more mission projects accompanying them to improve our physical wealth and fame.
Project Alpha (PA) - This Mission Project (MP) is the one most of you have heard of already. I will continue this one in hopes of improving our communication in various ways.
Project Beta (PB) - This Mission Project information is not to be released yet.
Project Charlie (PC) - This MP is to increase administration rates.
Project Delta (PD) - This MP acts as a empty slot. It is undecided.
Project Echo (PE) - This MP acts as a empty slot. It is undecided.
PA and PB are our main projects me and Boon wish to complete. Boon, himself, does not know much of PA or any other of the MPs. Soon, me and Boon will work together to fulfill each set MP's goals. Remember, these aren't just war terms, they are packages in benefit of the clan.
In closing, I just want to say that I'm glad I'm back and that the clan is still alive. Thank you very much, Lone Wolves. I realize that this BTS is early, but there is so much happening, that you could think of it more as a newsletter than a BTS.
Forum Leader